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PROJACS (Project Analysis and Control System), established in 1984, is the largest Pan-Arab project management firm, with 21 major offices in the Middle East, North Africa, Asia, Europe and North America. It employs over 600 professional staff and offers customized services to a variety of clients in the public and private sector.
In addition to providing a comprehensive range of project management services, it also offers a wide range of training courses in project management, construction management, engineering, leadership and HR.

Within its training division, it offers a number of Special Programs such as the Engineering and Construction Contract Management (ECCM) Program of four workshops certified by the Project Management Institute (PMI).

Another Special Program offered is the Certificate Program in Conflict Management (CMC), offered in partnership with Conrad Grebel University College and the University of Waterloo.

Professor Sami M. Fereig regularly delivers the above-mentioned special programs, and has been an instructor for Projacs since 1985.

To see a complete listing of training courses offered by PROJACS, including venue, dates, and cost, please visit their website at

Please note that course details are subject to change and if you are interested in registering you should deal with Projacs directly.